Categories: News

Catalogue Update 2020

A quick scroll through the impending update

The epidemic downtime has also been a blessing in disguise. We have been able to get to back to a few essential tasks we had kept on the back burners for awhile now. Repairing and updating our equipment and utensils, repairing the sheds from the yearly onslaught of the weather, and finally updating our catalogue.

Scenescape has been online almost for 5 years now and the website and the selection on display has grown in small proportions steadily. Many new sections, pages and features were added, and this blog became active infrequently with posts and articles. Though what can easily be called the raison d’être of any online collection, its catalogue remained neglected for all these years.

There were a few reasons for this, chief among which is how time intensive this task is. Complemented by the fact that our collection has several thousand plants spread across succulent genus only made the difficulties more gargantuan. The initial set of 400 photographs/plants we had been making do with were shot by a professional photographer, a friend of Scenescape. His equipment and decades of training came through in him racing through the plants. This was very different from the situation we were in, but we began. We began slowly with 25-30 plants per day. With passage of time we were able to zero in on the suitable set of equipment which made it easier. Lastly we streamlined the work flow of how we carried to and fro the plants after performing general upkeep on them, resulting in a peak of 75 catalogued plants per day. This went on for the past months of lock-down and here we are now. Smiling and brimming with satisfaction.

Catalogue 2.0

It makes us very happy to share this positive development with our fellow growers and friends. Many folks had asked us for updates time and again, but they had always come piecemeal until now.

This time a total of 1000 new haworthias have been added to the catalogue and are available for purchase. This update will be live on the site in a couple of weeks.


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